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Sharon Benzvi
Aug 20, 20221 min read
Want more recipes & tips?
Head over to my Instagram page, you'll find more great info -

Sharon Benzvi
Feb 10, 20221 min read
Should you eat more while on your period?
You’re on that time of the month and you feel like you're over-eating and you’re wondering - is it normal? Am I really eating more than...

Sharon Benzvi
Apr 28, 20213 min read
The truth about good food and bad food
Have you ever heard your friend say - “I’ve been so bad today, I ate a slice of cake” ? Or your co-worker say they sinned because they...

Sharon Benzvi
Dec 1, 20202 min read
Workout & your brain!
Working out is important. I’m sure you’ve heard that before. You have this idea that it will help you loose weight, it’s good for your...

Sharon Benzvi
May 12, 20204 min read
Everything you need to know about stress in hard times!
I’ve gotten so many messages questioning why I have not written about the current global pandemic, COVID-19. The answer is simple - the...

Sharon Benzvi
Jan 28, 20203 min read
7 Steps to Mindful eating
What is Mindfulness anyway? Mindfulness is the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. So when we’re referring to...

Sharon Benzvi
May 1, 20192 min read
8 ways to overcome weight plateau
I know, I know... just reading the words “weight loss plateau” makes you feel stressed out. Many of you may even be asking yourself,...

Sharon Benzvi
Apr 10, 20193 min read
5 ways to ditch single use plastic
Hey there! My name is Dani and I am a wife and mother living in Southern California. I am a passionate foodie continuously experimenting...

Sharon Benzvi
Jan 23, 20193 min read
Are you ready to feel good more often?
By: Cresence O'Brien Holistic health coach and Registered nurse Are you interested in finding a natural way to handle the emotional times...

Sharon Benzvi
Jan 7, 20193 min read
What's all the fuss about meditation??
So, what is meditation anyways? Meditation is the practice of a set of techniques that will help you increase your awareness and focused...

Sharon Benzvi
Jan 7, 20193 min read
Can stress cause weight gain??
I’m sure you never imagined your stress can impact your weight, but it does! In simple terms, stress is how we interact with our...

Sharon Benzvi
Dec 31, 20185 min read
How to write down your New Year’s resolutions and stick to them
First, let’s discuss resolutions generally – should you even make them? Some might say – sure, why not? While others will say – No, way!...

Sharon Benzvi
Nov 19, 20182 min read
So what should I actually eat on Thanksgiving?
I hope you enjoyed my previous advice and you’re now ready for the specifics… First off, I know it’s difficult to know all the...

Sharon Benzvi
Nov 17, 20183 min read
Thanksgiving the sequel…
Glad you're back! Let’s discuss how to not over eat on Thanksgiving dinner. So, it’s Thanksgiving morning and you know you’re going to...

Sharon Benzvi
Nov 15, 20183 min read
Are you Thanksgiving ready?
Thanksgiving is around the corner and you might be a little stressed about Thanksgiving dinner… Mealtime can be stressful, both...
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